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Our project

In Cambodia, many children struggle with a difficult environment characterized by poverty, hunger, drug addiction and HIV in their families. They experience neglect, violence and lack of access to education.


KNGO Cambodia offers these children a safe haven, where they can relax and just be children. They learn social skills to interact successfully in society and are prepared for a professional future.

The organization provides all children, regardless of gender, religion, physical limitations or HIV status, with non-discriminatory access to education. Particular attention is paid to promoting girls, who often perform better at school.


KNGO Germany e.V. has set itself the goal of giving every child in the Odambang community access to free educationKNGO Germany is committed to securing long-term school financing, education and future opportunities for these children.

Challenges and developments

Cambodia has made significant progress in its education system in recent years, but challenges still remain:

  1. Access to education: Although primary education is free, many children in rural areas still do not have adequate access to education due to transportation problems and poverty.

  2. Quality of education: The quality of education varies greatly from school to school. There is a need for qualified teachers and improved teaching materials.

  3. Educational infrastructure: Some areas lack adequate school buildings and resources.

  4. Literacy: Although Cambodia's literacy rate has improved, it is still below the global average.

The collected donations will be used for the following purposes:

  • Teachers' salaries

  • Training for teachers for professional and personal development

  • Investments in the expansion and maintenance of the KNGO Cambodia school

The collaboration between local teachers and international volunteers creates an enriching intercultural exchange.


Our initiative currently supports almost 400 children in Bospo and the surrounding villages. We offer free lessons in Khmer, Mathematics, English and IT applications, supplemented by a variety of leisure activities. Our dedicated team includes three full-time teachers, a part-time librarian and a part-time computer teacher. The support of KNGO Australia and numerous donors as well as the voluntary work of volunteers makes our project possible.

Additional lessons outside of regular school hours in state schools are offered in order to provide the best possible support for the children of Bospo and the surrounding villages. Classes take place Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The curriculum covers state education requirements in Khmer literacy, English and mathematics. Individual assessments by the students enable the division into appropriate learning levels.

For English lessons we use the textbook series 'Let's Go' from Oxford University Press, which is adapted to the needs of the students. The lessons are supplemented with comprehension tests, repetitions and additional exercises. The entire course is taught in English to enable students to use it confidently in everyday life. Monthly assessments track student progress We welcome volunteers to support our local teachers. This interaction offers staff and students the opportunity to get in touch with native English speakers and deepen their language skills. Volunteers always teach accompanied by a KNGO employee. More information about our volunteering offer can be found here. 


KNGO Germany e.V.

Neureutherstrasse 32

80798 Munich

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